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Newsletter December 2020

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Newsletter December, 2020


C19 Concerns

Pfizer and Janssen Australia along with Medicines Australia have been critical partners in their support of information and activities to elevate the concerns that the supply of critical medicines would be interrupted and result in poorer health outcomes. Although some members had expressed this concern based upon early media reports it became clear that the industry was intent on responding rapidly to ensure continuous supply.


More than 4.3 million health and medical services have now been delivered to a total of more than three million patients through the telehealth items introduced by the Australian Government for the COVID-19 pandemic. The use of telehealth instead of face- to-face consultations is helping to stop the spread of the virus, protecting both patients and frontline health professionals, and saving lives. The number of telehealth consultations has rapidly expanded, to more than 700,000 in the past week.


Digital dependence

Dragon Claw was conceived as a digital based entity with no formal offices, a virtual environment through which our community could easily and conveniently learn how to manage their lifestyle with a debilitating condition of auto- immune disease. The pandemic has forced us all to reach out and also to challenge our own level of comfort and dependency on technology as our primary conduit of interaction.  Surprisingly it is reaching us where we feel most comfortable, in our homes with our loved ones, but it is not without its challenges. Attending an online seminar for charities during ‘getonline week’ we learnt that one major company went from 8% of its staff working from home to 97% within the space of ten days and this also challenged their level of technology knowledge and competency. So we should not feel alone here.  However we will be developing a partnership to give our members access to support and programs that can enhance their knowledge and confidence in the use of technology. Take a look HERE

Pharmacy Patient

The easier way to get medications

Making life easier through technology is forcing change in the way we also acquire our medicines. We have spent time discussing how Medmate, a revolutionary new application developed here in Australia can help our community spend more time on the things that really matter and stop spending time getting scripts correctly filled. 

Medmate streamlines getting your medicines by enabling you to fill prescriptions online. You can compare prices from various pharmacies, shop online for other pharmacy items and have everything delivered to your home Medmate also helps you stay on track with automated prescription refilling, medication reminders and FREE pharmacy delivery. 

We are very excited and keen to see this service grow so let us know what you think at

To find out more about medmate Click Here



We responded to the concerns being voiced by our community and in the spirit of sharing experiences from within our community of common interest we developed a new online meeting forum for our members to participate in each week. On Wednesday 6th May 2020 we started a series of seventeen meetings that were entitled Dragon Claw ‘Get- Togethers’.

DCCL Annual Rpt Photo

Sponsored by Pfizer we engaged external facilitators to present a series of five discussions on three separate topics; Movement, Mindfulness and Functional Nutrition. In addition, Dr Daniel Lewis hosted a questions and answer session during the series that gave our community an opportunity to both ask and hear other’s significant questions and concerns. Introducing our facilitators:


The importance of developing and maintaining good levels of personal movement is at the core of dealing with pain that has prevented us from leading the life we had. There are many ways to give our body a workout, a more effective level of general movement and improved sleep. Rebecca McCabe was our guest facilitator for these sessions who has unique experience as a practitioner in rehabilitative physiotherapy and pain management; and a captivating personal story shared with our members. See her bio and reference to an ABC Interview with Rebecca below.

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When our immune system strikes back, we learn very quickly how complex the workings of our mind and body are and the role of nutrition in fuelling us. It’s not diet, it’s getting to grips with what our body and mind need rather than what we think we want. Charlotte Hill, of Chill+Nourish facilitated sessions that helped us on this journey.


We learnt from her personal journey how a new relationship with food has helped her manage her condition and also to learn about the foods we take for granted and what we can do to substitute them for foods that help our body to recover.  Encouragement to share what works for each of us and also to have a go at listening to our body.


The Covid pandemic introduced a whole new set of challenges for us to contend with that highlighted the importance of maintaining our own wellbeing. These times present us with the opportunity to revisit both how we are dealing with these pressures and also trying ways to balance our lifestyle. Dr Robin Murray facilitated sessions from her lifelong experience as a Clinical Neuropsychologist and Psychologist who has helped those with chronic pain management over and above the challenges of their daily lives.


Dragon Talks

The success of the Get-Togethers was in the core spirit of the Dragon Claw concept; bring our community together and give them a protected environment in which to hear, question and learn from others about how they are handling their health status. It also provided a stage for voluntary encouragement and support based upon what has worked for me and what I still find challenging. The overwhelming reaction to these sessions has been the continuation of weekly online meetings that are now chaired by Ms Charmaine Jones who lives in Canada and has strong connections to Australia and the community as a fellow patient and retired doctor.  Topics are chosen by the members and have already touched subjects such as; Vaccinations, Cannabis and home delivery of medicines Sessions take place through ZOOM very Wednesday morning at 10am AEST so register and meet inspiring fellow sufferers.  Email



New Board Member


We were very pleased to welcome to our very active and committed board during March

                                  Lynda Holden RN.RM., BA (History), LL.M

My passion is to make a difference, to help people who are disadvantaged to maximise control of their lives

Lynda is a leader in Health and Social Justice whose professional philosophy is:

  • Hear our clients and advocate for them efficiently and effectively
  • Conduct myself congruent to the values espoused by my parents and communities

Lynda started her career in nursing at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane then completed a Graduate Diploma in Midwifery at the University of Western Sydney. In 2009 Lynda attended the College of Law, graduating in 2010 and admitted as a Solicitor of the  Supreme Court of Australia. Not content to rest on her laurels, Lynda in 2012 graduated with a Masters in Law (criminal justice/criminology) and (human rights/social justice) from the University of NSW.

Lynda's career progressed with the Department of Community Services in the area of policy and developing standards for Aboriginal children in Out of Home Care continuing in Mental Health and Child Protection. She is currently a Lecturer at the School of Nursing and Midwifery with the University of Western Sydney.

Lynda has had advisory and committee roles where she has been a part of the review of the Aboriginal Child Placement Principle under the Children and Young People (Care and protection) Act 1998, the Adoption Act 2000, Mental Health Act 1990 for the compliance and inclusion of Aboriginal families and community culture and values and as Mental Health Official Visitor for Western Sydney Area Health, Advisory Committee member to the Minister for Health (Morris Iemma, Future NSW Premier) for 3 year term 2003-2006 as part of her practical legal training, Lynda in conjunction with Redfern Community Legal Centre conducted a small research project which looked at the child protection needs of Aboriginal women and their children involved in domestic violence. The outcome of this research has led to additional funding to assist community legal centres to address the issues.  Lynda is a Dhunghtti woman and is a descendant of the well-known Aboriginal, ‘King Bobby' She was raised by her respected and loving family in her community in NSW.


Annual General Meeting

Dragon Claw held its annual general meeting for the fiscal year 2020 using Zoom with members and Directors on Thursday 22nd October at 10am. The annual report and accounts were approved and our appreciation was recognised for the support of Byrne Partners.

Major Grant Received

Apart from Indigenous organisations and educational establishments Dragon Claw was the only other organisation to be awarded a grant to complete a new series of video on Medication Adherence by the Federal Government in June. This program runs into 2022 and recognises the exceptional work completed in 2019 with the first program of its type which we completed for communities in Alice Springs. Despite the impacts of COVID we are making good progress in the development of this program under the stewardship of Terry Jones;

Continuing Website Development

One of the outcomes of the COVID restrictions has been the development of online meetings and discussions that have greatly helped our community during isolation. It has opened up the structure and messaging through the website and has focused current work on our 2021 refresh as an ongoing process of keeping our members informed. We expect to introduce a refreshed update of the website early in 2021. Your thoughts, feedback and suggestions are very much welcome.

The PAC Team

The Patient and Carer team has always been a core activity and advisory group for Dragon Claw and during 2020 it has continued to make significant contributions and encouragement.  The team has grown in numbers with members who engaged in the Get-Togethers and subsequent Dragon Talks volunteering their time to spread the knowledge and experience of the team chaired by Susan Hughes.  If you would like to consider going them contact Susan;

Volunteer or Donate

As an organisation that is run by volunteers and a virtual entity that utilises technology we are always keen to welcome new members, those who would like to volunteer their time because they have a level of professional experience, personal knowledge of a condition or caring for a loved one, or you would just like to help us. Don’t be shy we would like to meet and welcome you. In addition there are many ways to make a donation as we are registered as a ‘Deductible Gift Recipient’ entity with the Australian Tax Office.


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