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Newsletter December 2022

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Newsletter December 2022

Encouraging self-care for those with autoimmune inflammatory diseases

Welcome to our December 2022 edition

Welcome to Dragon Claw’s December 2022 Newsletter, written and edited by our dedicated volunteers.

You will find an abundance of helpful and interesting articles including a recipe for whole orange cake; how to care for ourselves over the festive holidays; our work in indigenous communities leading to our pilot Cross Cultural Education programme; a book review by our Rachel who was “swept away” by Dr. Anita Heiss’s story about a lost indigenous woman defying white-man’s law, a book that sounds like compelling reading.

You will also find the usual summaries of our popular online Dragon Talks, and a list of what’s on in the months from December to February.

Happy Christmas to our Aussie, Canadian and US friends, and please do remember to care for yourselves during this busy time.

If you have any questions you would like us to research and publish, anonymously if you prefer, email our Dragon Talk’s Dr. Charmaine



Wishing you a healthy Festive Season

Dragon Claw’s Functional Nutritionist, Charlotte Hill shares her “not strictly Christmas Recipe”, and said “as this includes oranges, I think it counts!” 

This recipe is a classic that uses whole oranges which means it is wonderfully moist. It is very simple and it is gluten and dairy free which means that it is great to bake for anyone with dietary requirements. To read more Click HERE



Pacing Yourself During the Festive Season . . . Dragon Style!

Dragon Rachel Lea, shares some tips and reminders on how we can continue managing our self-care during the festive season.  

To read more Click  HERE


Having a yarn with Aunty Joyce at Borroloola

Aunty Joyce kindly and generously spent her time with Dragons Susan and Terry at her family home in the remote community Borroloola (near the Gulf of Carpenteria), located 8 long hours drive from the outback town of Katherine in Northern Territory.

She talked about about her thoughts on health messaging to help Dragon Claw facilitate the production of her community’s Medication Adherence video.

For her wise advice click HERE



Cross Cultural Education pilot program with Pfizer Australia

Gathering 45 Cross Cultural lessons in our Medication Adherence video facilitation work with remote indigenous communities over the last 4 years, Dragon Claw worked with Pfizer to develop a Cross Cultural education program for a Medicine Makers Reconciliation workshop.

We believe the sharing of these lessons with pharmaceutical ‘white fellas’ working in our cities, will contribute to the positive Reconciliation culture and the development of improved health for our First Australians.

Feedback and more photographs Click HERE



Announcing Dragon Talk 2

After considerable discussion and thought, it has been decided to expand our Dragon Talk population and availability by a second weekly Zoom gathering.

To read more Click HERE


Social Maples


l-4 Top: Linda, Jill, Sarah L-r seated: Charmaine and Paul

A few Dragon Canadians recently took time out from their busy lives and escaped the screen to get together for lunch and catch up in person. Conversations covered many topics from Spiritual Homes, Buddhism to Eco-psychology.

Social Aussies


l-r Charlotte Hill, Susan Hughes, Anne Hughes, Jackie Morris (Annette Guterres left prior to pic taken)

A few Sydney dragons met up with Charlotte for lunch at her fave café Bare Wholefoods to celebrate her Engagement to Jan – we are all very happy for Charlotte and fiancé Jan Breckwoldt



Your Partner’s Support Corner

Here in Alberta, Canada, as in other Canadian Provinces, the Alberta Health Services, (AHS), have been struggling with the increasing costs of hospital and nursing home care, and finally initiated a study to look at the potential to create a partially funded, standardized, support system that would enable more people with debilitating illnesses and auto immune issues to be cared for at home rather than in the traditional long stay hospital units or nursing homes.

To read more Click HERE



Bila Yarrudhanggalangdhuray by Dr Anita Heiss

Book Review by Dragon Rachel Lea


“I had trouble putting it down as I was mesmerised by the depiction of life on the land for the Wiradjuri people. The racism and injustice are also painful but important to read, particularly having greater understanding of life for our First Nations people in the 1850's and beyond."

For synopsis and Rachel’s thoughts click HERE

Dragon Talks


Dragon Talks is a weekly online meeting using Zoom format, with members from Australia, Canada, and the US. Our meetings are educational, informative, and supportive. All are welcome to join.

Read on to get an overview of some of our recent meetings by clicking HERE

Contact  National (Australia) Help Line


Our friends at Musculoskeletal Australia provide a contact free national Help Line!

Do you have questions about dealing with pain, your musculoskeletal condition/s, treatment options, COVID-19, or accessing services? Then be sure to call their nurses on their free Help Line. They’re available weekdays between 9am-5pm on 1800 263 265. 

Alternatively feel free to drop a line to our patient volunteers with your phone number and we are happy to give you a call by appointment

Here is MsK’s newsletter MSK News


Call the toll-free national Arthritis Infoline on 1800 011 041 for information about arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions including self-management, community programs, seminars, support groups, and other resources. The Arthritis Infoline is staffed by health professionals and specially trained volunteers in your state or territory who can answer most questions about living with arthritis.


For our 100,000 friends with Crohns and Colitis Disease –

National helpline 1800 138 029


We meet each week for conversation, support, and a programme with a presentation or a member’s story.

Wednesday mornings at 10am AET for those living in Australia.

Tuesday evenings at 8pm ET for those living in Canada.

To see the Event Calendar Click Here


Medical Disclaimer
While all information in our newsletter  has been researched, reviewed and presented with all due care, the content is provided for general education and information only.Information here is not intended to replace medical advice from a health professional and Dragon Claw does not accept any liability for any error or omission, injury, expense, loss or damage incurred by you or another party as a result of you using or relying on any information contained in our newsletter, on our website or any linked website. All users are urged to seek advice from a qualified health care professional for diagnosis and answers to their medical questions.
